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Nu Dental Brick Blog

Why Dental Implants Should Be a Source of Pride

April 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — nudental @ 4:41 pm
3-D model of a dental implant

Dental implants are one of the most often-recommended kinds of tooth replacement, but some people who could really use them refrain from getting them. Believe it or not, one of the biggest reasons is embarrassment.

Getting dental work done is a big leap, and lots of people worry about how that will make them look to others. Thankfully, dental care is nothing to be ashamed of! Here are some reasons why you shouldn’t be embarrassed about getting dental implants.


Improving Your Smile on a Budget

January 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — nudental @ 9:34 pm
a patient showing off their smile

Your smile is one of the first things that people notice about you; so, if you’re plagued by any sort of dental issue that’s compromising your pearly whites, you might be wondering what your treatment options are. You might also be wondering if any of these options are going to break the bank; but fortunately, there are several budget-friendly ways of achieving your smile goals! Keep reading as your dentist reviews some of the many ways you can improve your smile on a budget.


3 Tooth-friendly Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Kids

December 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — nudental @ 10:41 pm
Stockings hung up by a fireplace

Getting last-minute stocking stuffers for your kids can be a bit of a challenge, especially because many of the obvious choices are bad for their teeth. Sticky candy is popular with kids, but it’s loved a little less by their dentists. You can always schedule your child for a checkup after the holidays are over, but in the meantime, there are a few steps you can take to improve your child’s oral health. Here are some tooth-friendly stocking stuffer ideas that can make your children and their dentist happy.


When Can I Return to Work After Dental Implant Surgery?

September 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — nudental @ 12:46 am
puzzled expression mature man

You are probably wondering about the recovery process after surgery if you are considering getting dental implants. How long before you can go back to work? What factors affect your recovery? Keep reading to learn from your implant dentist in Brick Township about what to expect during the days after dental implant surgery.


Do Dental Implants Stain Like Natural Teeth?

August 12, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — nudental @ 9:14 am
Close-up of two dental implants

Once you have dental implants, you may think the hard part is done. The procedure is over now, so you can enjoy your shiny porcelain layers for years to come! Not so fast, though; it turns out that implants can stain if you’re not careful. That being the case, you’ll need to follow good practices and habits to get the most out of them.

Fortunately, your local dental practice can help you do that. Here’s a summary of why implants stain and tips for avoiding their discoloration.


How Expensive Is Root Canal Therapy?

June 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — nudental @ 3:24 pm
Patient at the dentist for a root canal.

If your dentist has recently informed you that you’re going to need a root canal, you might feel a little apathetic about the procedure. But this is nothing you need to worry about and certainly something that you shouldn’t put off; not only are root canals an incredibly viable and relatively pain-free option for salvaging a tooth, but they’re also not as expensive as you might think. Keep reading to learn about some of the factors that influence the cost of root canal therapy and why you shouldn’t wait to go through with it.


Ready for Summer? Not Until You See Your Dentist!

April 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — nudental @ 10:10 pm
Happy young woman in beach hat.

Summertime is just around the corner, and while you’re busy making fun plans and scheduling family vacations, your oral health is probably the last thing on your mind. But it’s certainly in your best interest to have your mouth inspected prior to enjoying the warmer weather; having a beautiful smile for those vacation photos, as well as avoiding unexpected dental emergencies, will make your summer much better! Here are some reasons for why you should see your dentist this season.


How Can Teeth Whitening Boost My Valentine’s Day Prospects?

February 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — nudental @ 9:30 pm
couple on a date

Valentine’s Day will be here before you know it. You likely have someone you are looking forward to seeing on this upcoming day of romance. Something you should be aware of is a nice smile is such a positive trait that many people look for when searching for a significant other. The more you grin, the better! However, plenty of people out there are self-conscious about the discoloration of their teeth. Continue reading to learn how a great smile can help to win over your date and what options for teeth whitening in Brick Township you have to brighten yours.


Why Are People Who Get Dental Implants Thankful for Them

December 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — nudental @ 8:49 pm
mature woman enjoying holiday dinner

What better time to reflect on the good aspects of your life than during the holiday season? Not unlike New Year’s resolutions, the holidays provide an excellent opportunity to consider how you can better yourself for the year to come.

As far as improvement goes, your teeth can get an upgrade in more ways than one if you choose dental implants as a tooth replacement option. Read on to learn how dental implants in Brick Township can give you so much to be thankful for during the holidays and year-round.


The Many Benefits of NU Smile Aligner®

February 5, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — nudental @ 6:35 pm
clear aligner for straightening teeth

If you’ve ever had braces and then noticed your teeth begin to shift back out of alignment once they were removed, it’s because that’s what they naturally do. This is also the reason why orthodontic treatment is so successful when it comes to straightening the smiles of our Brick Township residents. Before aligners hit the market, the only method for straightening teeth was through the use of brackets and wires. Clear aligners like NU Smile Aligner®, Invisalign, and other similar treatments have revolutionized the method of smile transformation. With so many seemingly similar options out there, it can be overwhelming to choose a specific one, but I’m here to tell you that the benefits of NU Smile Aligner® far outweigh other options. From cost to effectiveness, here’s why NU is best for you!

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