When you have multiple missing teeth, even the most basic tasks can be difficult or even impossible to perform. Not only are your chewing and biting affected, but your speech and ability to eat certain foods are impacted as well. By replacing your natural teeth, you’re doing your long-term oral health and quality of life a big favor. At Nu Dental Brick, Dr. G can provide you highly personalized dentures in Brick Township! For a quick, affordable, and esthetically-pleasing solution for your major tooth loss, give his office a call today.
If you are missing teeth on opposite sides of your mouth or an entire arch of teeth, chances are likely that you are a candidate for dentures. Of course, we recommend that you come to visit us for a one-on-one consultation so we can better determine your needs and examine your unique case. This will also allow us to confirm if any underlying dental concerns need to be addressed. This may include tooth decay, gum disease, or severely damaged teeth that need to be removed before the mouth can accommodate a denture.
There are various reasons why you might lose teeth in the first place. The most common ones involve gum disease, tooth decay, and accidental physical injury. Even certain systemic conditions can cause some of your pearly whites to fall out.
Missing some or all of your teeth can lead to several negative consequences. Not only will you have more difficulty eating, speaking, and grinning confidently, but you might experience situations like indigestion and malnutrition. Since there won’t be much stimulation of blood flow due to a lack of roots, your jawbone can also begin to weaken and shrink, which can lead to further tooth loss and facial sagging.
In many cases, people who have lost any number of teeth can be good candidates for dentures. This, of course, depends on several factors that will ensure the restorations work as long as possible. Firstly, our team will need to verify that you have strong and healthy gum and jawbone tissue. You’ll also need to be committed to practicing good oral hygiene every day and visiting your dentist regularly for checkups. We’ll also need to address any underlying problems before moving forward with your treatment, such as gingivitis, as they can interfere with your restorations.
The number of teeth that you’re missing will also establish the kind of denture you’ll receive. Based on your current smile, you might get partials if you’re missing some, or full dentures if you no longer have any of your teeth.
If you aren’t eligible for dentures, this doesn’t mean you won’t have any other solutions to rely on. Our team is more than happy to discuss alternative tooth-replacement treatments that can also effectively restore your smile, including:
Dentures are not only an accessible way for people to regain their smile, but they are extremely customizable. Below, you can learn more about the three types of dentures we offer, how they differ, and what benefits you can expect from each!
Partial dentures only replace specific teeth throughout a given arch. Much like how a puzzle piece fits into an open space in a puzzle, partial dentures fit around existing teeth in order to stay in place. This is done through metal clasps that hook around natural teeth. Of course, we make use of gum-colored and tooth-colored restorations to ensure the best esthetics possible.
An entire arch of teeth can be replaced with a full denture, whether it’s in your top or bottom arch. While full dentures are similar in the materials they utilize (acrylic and ceramic) to mimic teeth, they rely on the natural shape of the mouth as well as suction to the gums to stay in place, rather than use metal clasps. Full dentures can also be kept stable with denture adhesive, which is especially common in the first few weeks of use.
Implant dentures use the same restoration as traditional options but with one notable twist. Instead of using existing oral structures to stay in place, they attach to a series of dental implants that are surgically placed inside of the jaw, then given time to fuse over several months. Once fully healed, a full or partial denture can be attached. This means you can reap all the benefits that come with dental implants, all while addressing your severe tooth loss.
Learn More About Implant Dentures
If you’re set on getting dentures, you may be curious about how they’re made. After all, you may be putting your trust in them for many years, so you should be privy to the process! Dentures may look like simple pieces of plastic and ceramic, but they involve multiple steps and several professionals crafting with precision to get them right. If you want to know just how complex the process of creating dentures at Nu Dental Brick can be, read more below!
Dentures are made up of two main parts, the base, and the artificial teeth. Depending on the model of prosthetic you choose—full, partial, or implanted, different materials may be used to improve comfort or increase its stability.
The base for full dentures is usually made of acrylic that has been dyed to match your gums. However, partial dentures may also include metal brackets to help secure them to your remaining teeth. Other, less popular materials like nylon or resin may be used based on your needs and preferences.
The most popular medium for artificial teeth in dentures is porcelain because of its natural, slightly translucent appearance.
Despite the quality materials and comfort provided by our dentures, most patients still need a brief adjustment period when they first receive their prosthetics. The space inside your mouth will change slightly, and your tongue and gums will need a chance to get used to the presence of your dentures. However, rest assured that this is temporary, and with practice and perseverance, you’ll be back to speaking and smiling with ease once again.
Professionally made dentures have been used to replace teeth for hundreds of years. Thanks to advancements in the dental field, they are not only more natural-looking than ever, but comfortable and easy to use as well. We’ll be happy to discuss all the various benefits of dentures in Brick Township, which include the following, with you in a consultation!
If you don’t replace your missing teeth, you have gaps in your smile, which can make you feel self-conscious. As a result, you may even develop mental health issues like depression or anxiety around other people. In contrast, when you have a complete set of teeth, your confidence is boosted, helping your self-esteem. You don’t have to feel hesitant to be around others or to express your smile.
Th, s, t, d, and f are all sounds that rely on your teeth to pronounce them correctly. Without dentition, communication can become much harder, which can not only lead to misunderstandings and frustration but can also isolate you from others. Dentures give you the ability to speak clearly with those around you. That way, you can communicate your needs and thoughts as needed without confusion.
Without teeth to bite and chew, you must stick to soft foods like mashed potatoes, eggs, oatmeal, and extremely soft vegetables. In many cases, denture wearers turn to more processed foods that tend to be softer than fresh alternatives.
However, when you have strong, well-fitted replacement teeth, you can enjoy a more varied and nutrient-rich diet. Not only will this freedom in your foods be more delicious, but it can also help you have a higher quality of life and even prolong your life expectancy!
If you have some natural teeth left in your mouth, dentures can help these pearly whites stay in their proper places. Otherwise, they would wander and shift out of alignment, increasing the chances of more tooth loss. Your dentures can keep these teeth where they belong.
Dentures also fill in the space between your upper and lower jaws, without which your face would take a sunken look. Dentures help your mouth appear full and healthy.
Implant dentures take oral health preservation to the next level by keeping the jawbone stimulated and robust. As a result, there isn’t any shrinkage over time.
Like it or not, people judge others based on their appearance to some extent. Whether you’re trying to get a job or meet new people, the way your smile looks will count. With missing teeth, you may have opportunities closed to you; on the other hand, with a smile restored with dentures, you may find that doors are opened for new and better experiences and relationships.
Now that you know more about the process of getting dentures in Brick Township, you probably want to know how much it’ll cost you before making a decision. Unfortunately, it’s hard to say with certainty what your final price will be as it can vary greatly from person to person. At your initial consultation, Dr. G will explain which factors affect the cost and perform an oral examination to give you an accurate estimate. Based on our findings, we’ll help you understand not only what you can expect to pay for your new smile, but what it will look and feel like.
When estimating the final cost of your new dentures in Brick Township, several factors are taken into consideration. Here are a few elements that influence the price:
If you want to save money, you might be tempted to opt for cheaper dentures. However, they’re not the most ideal option in the long run. Since these appliances are often made of subpar acrylic, they tend to break easily and will require replacement much sooner than you’d expect. That’s why when it comes to dental work, quality should always be of utmost importance regardless of cost.
Short answer: yes, but for a good reason. Implant dentures are typically more expensive than traditional ones because they require oral surgery and the placement of multiple dental implants. However, many patients find it to be a worthwhile investment because of the benefits. Not only are implant dentures designed to last several decades, but they’re one of the most durable solutions for missing teeth. Unlike traditional dentures, they won’t shift out of place while in use. That means you can eat, speak, and smile with complete confidence once again!
Since dentures are considered a major procedure, most dental insurance plans offer some level of coverage for it. Generally, you can expect around 50% of their cost to be covered by insurance. Of course, every plan is unique, meaning the exact amount of coverage you’ll receive depends on your specific policy. If you have any questions about your benefits, our dental team can review the details of your plan and explain how it works. We’ll do everything we can to maximize your benefits and significantly reduce your out-of-pocket expenses.
If you don’t have dental insurance or your plan doesn’t cover a large percentage of the costs, we’ve got you covered. We offer additional financing options to help make your dental bills a little easier to manage.
Ultimately, the best way to learn how your costs will add up is to schedule a consultation with Dr. G. He’ll be more than happy to address all your questions and concerns so you can feel confident about your decision to get dentures in Brick Township!
Dentures can help to transform the appearance and function of your smile. However, you should still go to the dentist, even if you don’t have any more natural teeth. Regular checkups are still necessary for a few different reasons. Your dentist will continue to monitor any existing teeth and gum tissue. They will also keep an eye out for any abnormalities that could indicate oral cancer or another serious health issue. When you have dentures, it becomes even more difficult to notice these types of changes in your mouth on your own. Early detection from your dentist is key to making a full recovery.
After each meal, you should remove and rinse your dentures. By doing this, you can prevent the buildup of food debris and plaque. Don’t use hot water when you rinse your dentures. This can warp the denture material and cause them to not fit properly.
To clean your denture, take them out first. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a small amount of unscented hand soap, mild dish soap, or denture cleanser to gently brush your dentures. You shouldn’t use regular toothpaste, as dentures are not built to stand up to abrasive products. If you won’t be wearing the dentures again right away, place them in a container of water or denture-cleansing solution so they don’t dry out and lose their shape. You should always rinse your dentures thoroughly before putting them back in your mouth. These cleaning materials are not meant to be used in the mouth.
When you clean your dentures, place a towel beneath you just in case you accidentally drop them. This will reduce your chances of damaging your dentures. Keep your prosthetic out of the reach of small children and pets.
Take your dentures out at night before going to bed. When you wear dentures, the circulation in your gums is restricted and can lead to soft tissue irritation. Sleeping with dentures has also been associated with a higher risk of pneumonia as well as higher levels of gum and tongue plaque. When you sleep, keep your dentures in a denture-soaking solution. If you leave them out, they will dry out and permanently lose their shape.
You should keep an eye out for changes in your mouth. This way, you can address them with your dentist. This includes mouth sores, gum irritation, or signs of infection. If your dentures become damaged, don’t try to fix them yourself. Give your dentist a call. For dentures that are shifting, clicking, or not fitting properly, let us know, your restoration may need to be relined or replaced.
If you have All-on-4 dental implants, you should brush your dentures twice a day using a soft-bristled manual or electric toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste. Stay away from toothpaste that contains baking soda or stain-removing agents. Floss your replacement teeth once a day. You can find floss threaders to help your floss beneath your denture/ Consider investing in a water flosser to keep your restoration and implants clean. Sulcus brushes are 1/3 the width of normal toothbrushes, so they are great for cleaning between your dentures and gums. Rinse with an antibacterial mouthwash daily to prevent the growth of plaque and tartar.
Do you still have questions about what to expect with dentures in Brick Township? We have answers! When you call our office, a friendly member our team will pick up and be happy to provide the information you need. If you need an answer more specific to your case, then Dr. G can help you at a consultation. Until then, we invite you to read through this handy list of frequently asked denture questions!
Since you’re used to talking with your natural teeth (or with no teeth), it will take some time to get used to speaking while wearing dentures. This adjustment period can take varying amounts of time for different patients, but for most people, it usually takes a few weeks until talking with dentures feels like second nature.
Generally, the more you practice, the more quickly you can adjust to speaking with dentures. One issue that new denture wearers often deal with is a slight lisp due to changes in the palate. However, you can overcome this issue by reading out loud and practicing words that have a lot of “s” sounds, like “Mississippi.” Denture adhesive can provide some extra stability during this adjustment process.
Cleaning your dentures every day is essential, but you should avoid using toothpaste to do so. Toothpaste is actually abrasive to dentures and can leave microscopic scratches on the surface, severely damaging them over time. You should avoid using a hard-bristled toothbrush on them for the same reason.
Instead, clean your dentures with antibacterial hand soap, mild dishwashing liquid, or specialized denture cleaning solutions. To keep your smile looking and feeling great, rinse and clean your dentures after every meal.
Although you can sleep while wearing your dentures, we highly recommend not doing so. Taking your dentures out before bed gives your gums and jawbone a break from holding your prosthetic all day. As a result, you’ll feel much more refreshed in the morning. Removing your dentures at night also gives you the perfect chance to clean them. Let your dentures soak overnight in denture cleanser or room-temperature water (hot water can alter their shape and make them not fit correctly).
After tooth loss, the shape of your jaw naturally changes over time. That, coupled with the fact that your denture experiences wear and tear, means that even the most well-made denture will eventually lose its once-snug fit. If and when this occurs, your denture dentist in Brick Township may suggest a reline to help.
A soft reline can help if your gums are particularly sensitive to pressure from the dentures. Dr. G can even add extra cushioning material to minimize irritation. If more extensive modifications are required, however, we’ll recommend a hard reline. This necessitates several appointments, as we’ll need to send your dentures to a lab.