Millions of people across the United States are edentulous (missing all of their teeth). Many of them choose to get traditional dentures. While such prosthetics are better than ever, they still have their drawbacks. Fortunately, a better solution is available to most patients: implant dentures. Our Nu Dental of Brick Township team has all the skill necessary to both place and restore dental implants. Contact us today to learn more about how we may be able to rebuild your smile!
A dental implant is a small cylinder, also called a post, that gets surgically placed into the jawbone. It fuses with the surrounding tissue and is able to act as a prosthetic tooth root. Dentures that are attached to dental implants tend to be incredibly sturdy and strong. There are a couple of different types of implant dentures: permanent implant dentures and removable implant dentures. During your consultation, we will recommend the type that we believe is best for you.
Fixed implant dentures may also be called permanent implant dentures or hybrid prostheses. They are permanently attached to the implants that support them; the only time they get removed is during dental appointments. Many patients enjoy the convenience of always having their teeth in their mouth. However, permanent implant dentures generally require more posts and greater jawbone density than removable implant dentures.
A removable implant denture snaps onto and off of small attachments on the dental implants. It should be taken out of the mouth daily for oral hygiene purposes. A removable implant denture may require just 2 – 5 implants per arch to get all the support it needs.
The implant denture procedure typically involves four stages of treatment:
Although the implant denture procedure can seem like a big time commitment, it yields results that are truly worthwhile.
Implant dentures might be right for you if:
Even if you are not a candidate for implant dentures right away, you may become one after necessary preliminary treatment. Most patients who are interested in this procedure can qualify for it.
Some of the most remarkable benefits of implant dentures include: